I enjoy exploring different styles and believe it’s a nearly natural progression, as every place has unique factors and stones influencing the choice of style and forms created. What I practice is a game, therapy, a moving meditation with my total involvement that nourishes my being and soul. I find satisfaction and inner peace when something beyond my common human understanding materializes. This is a way that connects me to the present moment.

The awareness that it can last for days, as well as just a few seconds due to the wind, other factors, or precarious balance, puts me in a position to treasure those moments on one hand and, on the other hand, to accept change.

Through this activity, over time, various skills develop: motor, sensory, respiratory, observational, aesthetic sense, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with the surrounding environment, all wrapped in a sincere and spontaneous atavistic quiet.

In this practice, Descartes’ “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am) transforms into “Aequilibrium, ergo sum,” where the very act of balancing becomes an essence of existence, a way of being in the moment that goes beyond words and mental reflections.